We are pleased to announce that we have joined Polish German Chamber of Commerce.

by admin
We are pleased to announce that we have joined Polish German Chamber of Commerce.
by admin
by admin
Soon you will be able to buy our products directly on the website of the online store www.ayshop.pl
by admin
ReFine "uszlachetnienie" odpadu.Drodzy Państwo,Udostępniamy dla Was film o tym co robimy żeby nasza planeta Ziemia choć trochę dłużej istniała.Reportaż bardzo świeży, zapraszamy do oglądania, komentowania oraz prosimy o udostępnienie.Dziękujemy i życzymy spokojnego wieczoru.Zespół A.Y. Manufacturing
Gepostet von A.Y.Manufacturing am Donnerstag, 29. August 2019
by admin
CNC cutting services, we are buying materials directly from the manufacturers.
CNC manufactured products.
MDF for sale.
Particle boards, chipboards for sale.
A. Y. Manufacturing Sp. z o. o.
ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 72A
67-300 Szprotawa
NIP / Tax ID: PL 865 256 84 69
KRS: 0000730639